Crickette Farm Miniatures and Online Training Center
Crickette Farm Miniatures and Online Training Center


2007 Show String

My Horses

Show Clipping Techniques

Training Tips

Getting Ready For A Show

Hi, my name is Jamie and I love to show miniature horses. I own 2 horses, LNR's Flyin High aka Peanut and Lowes Dealer, aka Dealer.

I created this website to help YOU. Yes, this is a website by a horse show-er for a horse show-er.  I want to help you be the best you can be in the showring.

Have a question? Feel free to e-mail me! I don't mind. I will give you the best one on one advice possible or I will refer you to someone who does know the answer.

If there is anything specific you want to see, feel free to ask. I can go out at any time of day and take pictures to assist with what you need.

Got a problem my website isnt helping? Contact me personally. I am here to get your horse to the best of it's ability via you the handler. Contact me and we will come up with a solution thats right for you.

Updated November 10th

~News Flash~

Rocky Mountain Classic show is this weekend. Hope to see some of you there! I am there with Dealer.

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Feel free to e-mail me about questions or comments concerning miniature horses in general. 

Email me!